Compressor systems
- Meneral oils
- Polyalfaolefines (PAO)
- Alkylbenzena (AB)
- Di-esters
- Polyesters (POE)
- Polyglycols (PG/PAG)
- Phosphatesters
- SIlicone oils
Additive roles:
- Reduce friction
- Remove heat
- Withstand temperatures up to 200°C
- Oxydation stability
- Anti foaming properties
- Air release properties
Refrigeration compressors / HVAC:
The oil in a refrigeration system is designed to remove heat and to lubricate parts in the compressor. Oil must be miscible with refrigerant. Oil products seldom contain classic additive elements due to possible reactions with refrigerant, however the use of ester oils in high pressure CO2 compressors has lead to the requirement of EP additives based on Phosphorus.

Through our analysis we will be able to reveal wear metals, contamination and additive elements and also the chemical and physical properties of the sample. By comparing the these values with new oil and/or previous samples from the same systems we are able to form a opinion of the current state of oil, refrigerant and compressor health.
- Confirm low water content (especially in cooling compressors)
- Wear metals
- Acid content from degradation or sour contamination.
- Viscosity