Coolant testing
Failure to keep cool is one of todays biggest challenges. By rountinely testing coolant quality you will prevent one of the most common reasons for failure: Over heating
HVAC fluid testing
HVAC systems should be included in your CBM program. Invicta can offer over 35 years of experience in analysing and evaluating oil analysis results from HVAC systems.
Oil Condition Monitoring
Oil Condition Monitoring helps you prevent downtime, prolong system and oil life. Oil Analysis as part of your Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) program.
Fuel Testing Services
Norway leading provider of Fuel Testing Services. Recertification of JETA1, quality and contamination tests according to EN590 and EN228

Invicta AS NO 936420133 MVA
Trondheimsveien 436b
0962 Oslo, Norway
Tel.: +47 22 90 13 80
Trondheimsveien 436b, 0962 Oslo
Invicta AS
Trondheimsveien 436b 0962 Oslo Tel.: +47 22 90 13 80