ILUM Mobile – the app access to reports/data and to register samples on the go
Manual (version 1.0)
Log in with excisting username and password. If you do not have an account please register online and an account will be provided.
The home screen shows a summary of the last samples tested and reported
The menu is available from the hamburger menu on upper right side
Register samples
Two alternative procedures
Alt 1: Use the Register sample button on the right side or in the menu
Alt 2: Browse trough Machine and compartment from Search menu, and select compartment for sample registration
Alt 1: Use the button in menu/app
Scan QR code supplied with bottles (this is the link between sample bottle and information)
Scan Sample point ID (If registred in database)
Both options can be done manually by entering numbers and searching for machines
If machine is not present in database, or it is a new machine, the user must create the machine by pressing the “+” button. A machine contains compartments. Compartments are sample points.
If by searching you do not get the hits expected, try to decrease the search by entering less values, ie no hits on TAG TA551591 try new search on 591
Fill in information avaialable for you and press next. End the process by pressing Complete Sample Registration
Deretter fyller du inn så mye informasjon som mulig, og trykker Neste. Avslutt med å trykke Fullfør Registreringen.
Alt 2 – Browse trough machine register by search page
Three alternatives: Browse by group, Search machine or search directly on all compartments (sample points).
When finding the unit intended samples, select and press “Register Sample” button.
Create new machine and compartments
Select “+” for creating a machine or a compartment. Compartments must belong to machines.
Fields in red are required.
The sample is not completely registered until you receive the “Sample registration Complete” notice.
The Save functionality will only save the process at the step you are, so you can continiue later.
For technical issues or questions please contact us by email: